Our Foundational Scripture


Matthew 16:18 Upon this rock (PETRA) I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.)

Our foundational scripture comes out of the 16th Chapter of Matthew. Starting at verse 13 Jesus asks his disciples who do men say that He is, and they answer, John the Baptist, Jeremias or one of the prophets. He then asks them who do they say that He is and Simon Barjona answers and says, “Thou are The Christ, son of the living God.” Jesus then calls Simon blessed and lets him know that he has only come to know this by way of The Father in heaven, (Holy Spirit), and not by flesh or blood (their own mind). He then goes on to call him Peter (PETROS), Greek word meaning little rock or a piece of rock, and tells him that it is upon this rock, (PETRA) Greek word meaning a mass of rock that He will set the foundation of His church.

Petra International Ministries foundation is based upon the importance of receiving the revelatory word of God through the Holy Spirit to actualize God’s purposes, and live out our lives. Even as Jesus made it clear to Peter that flesh and blood did not reveal the truth to him concerning Jesus Christ’s true identity neither can we depend upon flesh and blood (our own minds) to translate the events of our lives or the written word of God.

It is still vitally important for us to ingest the written word of God on a regular basis but we must learn to depend on our loving Father in heaven to provide the revelation that we need by way of the Holy Spirit to take the appropriate action at the appropriate time to bring about His will in our daily lives and in the lives of others here on earth. Matthew 4:4 says “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” So it is upon this rock, upon this foundation, that God will build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. We, are therefore, steadfast in our resolve to do all that we can through worship to be sensitive to God’s voice released through the Holy Spirit.

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